Today’s devotional of “Under His Wings” is a reminder that God is our refuge and protector. In times of fear and uncertainty, the believer can find comfort and safety in His sheltering love.

Let us get started!

» Tuesday, 18th April 2023 | I Stand In The Gap Daily Devotional | Under His Wings.

Anchor Bible verse of the day

You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,

Psalm 91:5 (NKJV)

God’s protection and sanctuary for His people are described in Psalm 91:5 in a figurative way. It signifies that God’s people are protected from harm and peril under His wings, just as a bird protects its young.

It illustrates how dependable God is in guarding and defending people who put their trust in Him.

The main theme in Psalm 91:5

  • Sheltered Under His Wings: In the face of any fear or peril, the verse reassures us that God is always with us and will offer us a safe haven.

Similar Bible verse

Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings

Psalm 17:8 (NKJV)

David uses the metaphor of being the apple of God’s eye and being hidden under the shade of God’s wings to implore God to keep him safe and shield him from his adversaries. “Apple of Your eye” denotes someone who is loved and guarded, while “shadow of Your wings” stands for safety and protection.

Reflection on “Under His Wings”

Psalm 91:5 assures you as a Christian that you will have protection and shelter since you are beneath the Almighty’s wings.

God promises to protect you from harm, just as a bird protects and shields its young under its wings. Put your faith in God’s love and care for you and seek refuge in the knowledge that He will defend and watch over you.

Remember that you are never alone and that God is watching over you at all times while you go about your everyday activities.

Instances the believer needs to be “Under His Wings”

  • Facing danger or threats: Like a baby bird takes cover under its mother’s wings, we can find safety and protection in God’s wings when we are faced with threats or danger.
  • Struggling with fear or anxiety: When we turn to God and take refuge under His wing, we can find peace and comfort in His presence and overcome our fears and anxieties.
  • Dealing with loss or grief: We may feel vulnerable and alone during times of loss or sadness, but God promises to be there for us and to comfort us just like a mother bird cares for her young.
  • Battling spiritual attacks: The enemy may attempt to attack us spiritually, but if we seek refuge beneath the protection of God, we can find security and the fortitude to thwart the enemy’s plans.

Being “Under His Wings” in any of these situations refers to taking solace in God’s presence and strength in His love and care.

Prayer points

  • Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s love and protection: Ask God to help you understand His love for you and His desire to protect you so that you can trust Him completely and rest in His care.
  • Pray for protection from danger and harm: Ask God to place a hedge of protection around you and your loved ones, to keep you safe from physical, emotional, and spiritual harm, and to guide you in all your ways so that you may walk in His paths.
  • Pray for deliverance from fear and anxiety: Ask God to help you overcome any fear or anxiety that may be keeping you from fully trusting in Him, and to give you peace that surpasses all understanding.

Let us pray

My Father, we appreciate your promise that we would always find shelter and sanctuary under your wing.

May this reality empower and inspire us to continue to put our faith in You in the face of obstacles and problems in our lives.

Please make it possible for us to rest in your love and abide in your presence. May this prayer draw us nearer to You and serve as a reminder of Your unfailing love and guardianship over us.

In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray, Amen.