Yes, it is possible! We often face impossible challenges, dreams that appear out of reach, and hopeless situations. Yet, in our doubts and fears, God’s Word reminds us that nothing is impossible with Him.

Today, we will be inspired by Matthew 19:26, which reminds us of three powerful words: It Is Possible.

Key Takeaway to “It Is Possible”

  • It Is Possible: With total faith in God, even the most difficult things can be achieved.

Anchor Bible Verse of the day

Here, Jesus is responding to the disciples’ question about the difficulty of a rich man entering the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:23). Jesus acknowledges the human limitations (“with man this is impossible”) but then offers a powerful message of hope (“with God all things are possible”).

Key Explanations

  • With men this is impossible: Refers to the inherent inability of humans to achieve salvation or accomplish significant feats on their own.
  • With God all things are possible: Affirms the omnipotence of God and His ability to overcome every obstacle and fulfill every promise.

Reflection on “It Is Possible”

As believers, we often face seasons of doubt and uncertainty, where challenges seem daunting and the way forward appears unclear. It’s easy to let doubt overshadow our faith and lose sight of God’s promises.

But amidst the uncertainty, one truth remains unchanging: with God, all things are possible.

In times of financial struggles, the weight of debt and the pressure to make ends meet can be overwhelming. But even in these challenges, we find assurance in God as our provider.

He can open doors, meet our needs, and transform scarcity into abundance. Let’s trust in His provision and steward what He has given us faithfully.

During battles with health issues, doubts may arise as we grapple with pain and uncertainty about our well-being. Yet, we’re reminded that nothing is impossible for the Great Physician.

He heals, restores, and makes all things new. Let’s cling to His promise of healing and trust His timing.

In the spiritual realm, believers face constant battles against pure darkness. Doubts may assail us as we confront spiritual strongholds and resist temptation.

But we’re not defenseless. With God, we’re more than conquerors. Let’s put on His armor, stand firm in faith, and declare victory over the enemy’s schemes.

In each narrative, doubt may loom large, but with God, there’s always hope. Let’s hold fast to His promises, knowing that He’s able to turn our struggles into testimonies of His faithfulness and power.

Dearly beloved, as you journey through seasons of doubt and uncertainty, fix your eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of your faith.

He is the One who:

  • Calms the storms,
  • Heals the brokenhearted, and
  • Brings hope to the hopeless.

May we anchor our trust in Him, knowing that He can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.

Stay focused, dear believer, for with the Lord, nothing is impossible.

Call to Action

Today, challenge yourself to surrender your doubts and fears to God, believing in His power to make the impossible possible in your life. Step out in faith!

Prayer Points for Today

  • Trust in God’s power: Pray for the faith to believe that God can accomplish the impossible in your life.
  • Surrendering doubts: Ask God to help you release any doubts or fears that may be hindering your faith.
  • Alignment with God’s will: Pray for the wisdom to discern God’s plans and purposes for your life, and the courage to walk in obedience to His Word.

Let’s Pray

Our Father, we thank You for Your limitless power and boundless love. Strengthen our faith and help us to trust in Your ability to accomplish the impossible in our lives.

In the precious and mighty name of Jesus, we pray that it is possible. Amen.

My prayer for you today: I pray that you experience the reality of God’s power and presence in every area of your life and that you be filled with hope and confidence in His promises.