To trust and obey may sound simple, but they are not always easy to practice, especially when we face life challenges and don’t know where and when redemption will come.
- Trusting God means relying on His wisdom, power, and goodness, even when we don’t understand His ways or see His hand.
- Obeying God means following His commands, even when they go against our preferences or expectations.
My prayer today is that we grow in our relationship with God and experience His peace, joy, and blessing as we trust and obey Him.
Let’s get started!
Key Takeaway to Trust And Obey
- Trust And Obey: Trust and obey God because He is faithful, loving, and wise. He knows what is best for us and He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Anchor Bible Verse of the day
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
This verse of Proverbs 3:5-6 teaches us to trust and obey God in every situation. It tells us to trust in the Lord with all our heart, which means to depend on Him completely and wholeheartedly, and not lean on our understanding.
It tells us to acknowledge Him in all our ways, which means to recognize His presence, authority, and guidance in every aspect of our lives.
It tells us that He shall direct our paths, which means that He will show us the right way to go and lead us to His will.
Key Explanations
- Trust in the Lord: To believe in His existence, character, and promises. It also means to rely on His power, provision, and protection.
- With all your heart: To trust Him without reservation or hesitation. It means to love Him with all our being and to give Him our full allegiance and devotion.
- Lean not on your own understanding: To not depend on our knowledge, judgment, or intuition. It means to admit our limitations and weaknesses and to seek God’s wisdom and insight.
- In all your ways acknowledge Him: To honor Him as our Lord and Master. It means to consult Him in every decision and action and to submit to His direction and correction.
- He shall direct your paths: To show you the way you should go and to lead you to His purpose and destiny for you.
Reflection on Trust And Obey
Trusting and obeying God is not always easy, but it is always rewarding. When we trust and obey God, we enjoy His presence, peace, and provision. We also please Him and glorify Him.
On the other hand, when we distrust and disobey God, we miss out on His best for us. We also grieve Him and dishonor Him.
Psalm 37:5 says:
Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
Meaning, that when entrust our plans, goals, and desires to Him, He will bring them to pass according to His will. He will fulfill His promises and purposes for us as we trust also in Him.

(Proverbs 3:5-6)
Ponder about the following: How can we trust and obey God in a world that is full of challenges, temptations, and uncertainties? How can we trust and obey God when we face trials, sufferings, and disappointments? How can we trust and obey God when we have doubts, fears, and questions?
As a believer, trust and obedience are essential for a fruitful and joyful Christian life, because:
- We are to trust God with all our heart, not just some of it.
- We are to obey God in all our ways, not just some of them.
- We are to acknowledge God in every situation, not just some of them.
And when we do that, we can expect God to guide us, to bless us, and to fulfill His purposes for us.
Beloved, to fully trust and obey is not an easy task.
- Sometimes we face challenges, difficulties, uncertainties, or temptations that make us doubt God or disobey Him.
- Sometimes we rely on our wisdom, our strength, our plans, or our desires instead of trusting and obeying God.
- Sometimes we forget who God is and what He has done for us.
That is why we need to remind ourselves daily of the benefits of trust and obedience. Here are some of them:
1/ To trust and obey brings peace: When we trust and obey God, we don’t have to worry about the future, the problems, or the enemies. We can rest in God’s sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness. (Philippians 4:6-7)
2/ To trust and obey brings joy: When we trust and obey God, we don’t have to be sad, depressed, or discontented. We can rejoice in God’s presence, grace, and love. (Psalm 16:11)
3/ Trust and obey bring wisdom: When we trust and obey God, we don’t have to be foolish, ignorant, or confused. We can learn from God’s word, God’s Spirit, and God’s people. (Psalm 119:105)
4/ Trust and obey bring fruitfulness: When we trust and obey God, we don’t have to be barren, unproductive, or useless. We can bear fruit for God’s glory, for our good, and for the benefit of others. (John 15:5)
Today, let us trust and obey God every day.
Call to Action:
Today, take a moment to identify an area of your life where trust and obedience are calling for your attention. Whether it’s a decision, a relationship, or a plan, intentionally commit it to the Lord.
Prayer Points for Today:
- Bold Trust: Pray for the courage to trust God wholeheartedly, releasing any anxieties or doubts.
- Obedient Hearts: Ask for a heart willing to obey God’s commands, even when understanding may be limited.
- Divine Direction: Seek God’s guidance in specific areas of your life, surrendering them to His perfect plan.
Let’s Pray
Our Father, as we navigate the path of trust and obedience, grant us the strength to release our understanding and embrace Your divine guidance. May our actions and decisions align with Your perfect will.
In Jesus’ precious and mighty name, we pray. Amen.
My prayer for you today: I pray that your journey of trust and obedience leads you to a place of divine assurance and fulfillment. Amen.
Nice writeup.
Heart touching devotional.