Truthfully, the battle is the Lord’s. In today’s inspiring and uplifting devotional, we draw our strength from 1 Samuel 17:45-47, a powerful verse that reminds us that true strength comes from God, not from our own abilities. Indeed, in whatever we do, as Christians, we don’t have to fret for the battle is the Lord’s.

Today, the reader will have the opportunity to reflect on the story of David and Goliath and how it relates to their own lives. It will encourage you to trust in God’s power and guidance, even in the face of difficult challenges and obstacles. It will remind you that the Lord is always with us and that He is the one who fights for us.

» Monday, 23rd January 2023 | I Stand In The Gap Daily Devotional | Fret not for the Battle is the Lord’s

Yesterday’s daily devotional theme was “Stepping Stones to Success” and today’s is about “fret not, for the battle is the Lord’s”.

45 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.

47 Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.”

1 Samuel 17:45-47 (NKJV)

In this passage, David, who is a young shepherd, is confronting Goliath, a giant, and champion of the Philistines. David is telling Goliath that he is not relying on his own strength, but on the Lord’s power, and that the Lord will deliver Goliath into his hand.

David also declares that the Lord will give the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, as a sign of His power, and that the battle belongs to the Lord.

Themes in 1 Samuel 17:45-47

  • Faith in God: David’s faith in God is evident in his words to Goliath, trusting in God’s power and guidance to win the battle.
  • Trust in God’s power: David trusts in God’s power to defeat Goliath and the Philistines, seeing it as a sign of His power.
  • The battle is the Lord’s: David reminds us that true strength comes from God and that He fights our battles
  • God’s sovereignty: David’s victory over Goliath illustrates God’s sovereignty, control over all things, and ability to bring victory in impossible situations
  • Obedience to God’s word: David’s obedience to God’s word is demonstrated by his willingness to fight Goliath.
  • Trust in God’s plan: David’s willingness to fight Goliath demonstrates his trust in God’s plan for his life, and his willingness to obey God’s call.


1 Samuel 17:45-47 tells the story of David, a young shepherd and future king of Israel, who volunteers to fight Goliath, a giant champion of the Philistines, despite being inexperienced, through his faith and trust in God.

David’s faith is in God, and he knows that God will give him victory. He goes to the battlefield with five smooth stones from the brook and a sling.

David faces Goliath with confidence, and with the help of God, he defeats the giant and beheads him with his own sword. David’s victory is a great encouragement to the Israelites and it shows that with God’s help, even the most unlikely person can achieve great things.

The story of David and Goliath is a powerful reminder of:

  • The importance of faith in God,
  • Trust in God’s power
  • Obedience to God’s word, and
  • The fact that the battle belongs to the Lord.

It’s a story that teaches us that with God’s help, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Similar verse:

And he said, “Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.

2 Chronicles 20:15 (NKJV)

This verse is similar to 1 Samuel 17:45-47 in that it emphasizes that the battle is the Lord’s and that we should not fear or be discouraged. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that God is always with us to fight for us.

Just like David said to Goliath, the God of the armies of Israel is on our side, He is the one who fights for us and will give us victory.

The context of 2 Chronicles 20:15 is when Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, was facing a great multitude of enemies. Overwhelmed, he prayed to God, and God sent a prophet to tell him this verse to encourage him and remind him that the battle is not his but God’s.

This is a powerful reminder that we should also put our trust in God and rely on His power, not our own.

Reflection on the title the battle is the Lord’s from 1 Samuel 17:45-47

Our anchor verse of 1 Samuel 17:45-47 reminds us that, no matter how difficult the challenges we face may seem, we can trust in God’s power, assurances, and guidance to see us through.

It’s a reminder that true strength comes from God, that our strength is nothing, and that He is always with us to fight all our battles. Thing is, when God fights your battles for you, victory is always assured.

See, in today’s world, many Christians face a variety of battles:

  • Spiritual battles
  • Financial battles
  • Health battles
  • Broken homes, single parenthood, and wayward children
  • Battles of infidelity, adultery, and sexual sins
  • Battles in relationships, and many more.

But the message of this verse is that we should not fret or be discouraged, for the battle is the Lord’s. We should put our trust in God, obey His word, and rely on His power, knowing that He is always with us and that He will give us victory.

Let’s lift our burdens to God in prayer, and He’ll answer.

The title “Fret not for the battle is the Lord’s” is a powerful reminder for Christians today to trust in God’s power and guidance, even in the face of difficult challenges. It’s a call to put our faith in action, relying on God’s power and not on our own abilities.

In summary, 1 Samuel 17:45-47 and the title “Fret not for the battle is the Lord’s” serve as a powerful reminder for all Christians that they should trust in God’s power and guidance, knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord and that He will give us the victory, just as He gave David and the Israelites.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Precious Father,

We thank you for the opportunity to be able to speak to you today. We thank you for the care, the providences, and the salvation through Christ.

Today, as we face the battles of life, we put our trust in You. We know that the battle is Yours and not ours. Left to us alone, we will always lose. We remind ourselves that You are always with us, and You will never forsake us.

We come to You today with confidence, divinely directed, knowing that You are the God of the armies of Israel, You are powerful and You are in control. We ask for Your strength and guidance as we face the challenges of this day.

Help us to remember that with You, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. Give us the courage to obey Your word, and to rely on Your power, not our own.

We pray that Your presence will be with us, as we go through this day, and that You will give us victory in all the battles we face.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, Amen.