I welcome you to “Stepping out in Faith”, inspired by Matthew 14:30. Today, let’s consider Peter’s experience and look at the profound lessons it has for us about life.

It’s my prayer that we get to know the necessity of keeping our eyes fixed on Christ in the midst of life’s storms, the strength of trust in the face of uncertainty, and the assurance that even when we fall, Jesus is always prepared to extend His rescue hand.

But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”

Matthew 14:30 (NKJV)

In this passage of Matthew 14:30, Peter walked out of the boat and onto the sea to approach Jesus after being inspired by courage and faith. But as he became conscious of the violent winds, panic crept in and made him stumble.

And the question is: don’t we all suffer the same fate at times?

Reflection on “Stepping out in Faith: Embracing Strength in the Storm”

Today, some of us find ourselves at the periphery of our dreams, moved by faith and courage to venture into uncharted territories.

We move forward with courage and resolve, as men and women of Godly valor, believing that our actions are in accordance with God’s higher plan, yet we cannot, however, escape the harsh reality of the winds that batter us as we set out on this voyage. Interesting!

Uncertainty, fear, and doubt are inevitable winds that blow through life. Panic sets in as we become fully aware of the difficulties and barriers that lie before us. Our faith weakens as we stumble in our steps and begin to doubt the necessity of our very calling.

But let us find comfort in Matthew 14:30’s timeless advice. Even Peter, one of Jesus’ chosen disciples, experienced difficulty. His early bravery turned to fear as the winds grew stronger. But at that moment of failure, he realized a vital truth:

Our power comes from the Savior’s extended hand, not from ourselves.

Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus today while we stumble through the storms of life. Let us cry out to Him, as Peter did, “Lord, save me!” rather than letting fear overcome us. We give up our independence and accept the unfailing grace of our Lord in that cry for assistance.

Keep in mind, dear believer, that making a mistake does not mean you failed. It is a chance for us to put even more faith and dependence on Christ. His hand is always outstretched to us, waiting to rescue us from the pit of hopelessness and put us back on solid ground. Even in the midst of the storm, we can walk victorious through His ability to overcome the turbulence.

Today, renewing our confidence in the One who stills the winds and gives us unflinching strength is important. Accept the reality that taking a risk in faith is not a guarantee of success but rather an opportunity to encounter the remarkable.

Have faith that the winds that are blowing against us are also the winds that will lead us to the accomplishment of God’s purpose for our lives.

So, as we stumble, let us seek comfort in His presence, and for Him to restore our faith, fortify our resolve, and comfort our hearts. Let us be sure to grasp onto His hand as we move on for He will never leave us. Let us embrace the power that only He can give today as we venture out in trust because He is our dependable anchor in the midst of life’s storms.

Prayer points on “Stepping out in Faith”

  • Pray for increased courage and boldness: Ask God to infuse you with the courage to step out in faith, even when faced with fear and uncertainty. Ask Him for a spirit of boldness that will move you forward in pursuing God’s purpose for your life.
  • Pray for strengthened faith: Ask God to strengthen your faith, especially during times of doubt and stumbling.
  • Pray for divine guidance and protection: Seek God’s guidance and direction as you step out in faith. Ask Him to protect you against every spiritual attack.

Let’s pray


As we step out in faith today, it’s our prayer that You grant us courage, guidance, and unwavering trust in Your provision.

In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.