It’s simple to lose focus on what’s important in life amid the chaos and distractions. Today, we’re being reminded to seek His face. See, the believer prepares themselves for divine visitation when they consciously direct their hearts toward Him, and that is why God is saying “Seek my Face”.

Join me in seeking God’s face and see the changes that await us there.

Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ My heart said to You, ‘Your face, Lord, I will seek.’ Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation.

Psalm 27:7-9 (NKJV)

King David asks God in these passages to heed his cries and provide mercy to him. In it, he (David) emphasizes his reliance on God’s assistance and salvation while acknowledging his desire to seek the face of the Lord. He emphasizes his reliance on God’s presence and guidance by pleading with God not to hide His face, turn away in wrath, or forsake him.

Reflection on Seeking God’s Face (Seek My Face)

My dear, it’s so simple to lose sight of the One who ought to be our primary focus in a world that is rife with demands and distractions. But something amazing happens when we accept God’s invitation to seek His face.

Asking for God’s blessings or direction is only one aspect of seeking God’s face. It is an invitation to get to know Him well and develop a close bond with the universe’s creator. It is a call to make space in our hectic schedules for seeking His presence, lining up with His priorities, and paying attention to His voice.

As Christians, seeking God’s face is something that we do repeatedly. It is a conscious choice to put Him first and hunger and thirst after His righteousness. It is an awareness that only in His presence can one find true pleasure and satisfaction.

By seeking God’s face:

  • We put ourselves in a position to receive His visitation.
  • We invite interactions with His love, wisdom, calm, and changing power into our lives.
  • Our lives become more clear and more purposeful as our hearts become more sensitive to His leadership.

See, seeking God’s face in the midst of life’s difficulties and uncertainties provides solace and certainty. It serves as a reminder that we are not on our own and that our Heavenly Father is with us, directing and guarding us at every turn. It boosts our faith and increases our level of confidence in His aims and goals.

Today, let’s heed the call to seek God’s face.

It’s my prayer that we set aside time each day to be still, to surrender our hearts to Him, and to hear His soft whisper.

May we fervently pursue Him, understanding that true joy, peace, and contentment are only found in His presence. Let’s seek His face and encounter the countless blessings that result from a life given over to Him.

Prayer points

  • Pray for a heart hungry for God’s presence: Pray that God will ignite within you a deep hunger and thirst for His presence
  • Pray for spiritual discipline and focus: Ask Him to grant you the discipline and focus to set aside dedicated time for seeking Your face
  • Pray for a sensitive spirit to discern God’s leading: Pray for God to open your ears to hear His voice and soften your heart to perceive His leading

Say this prayer:

I humbly come before You, desiring to seek Your face. Bring me closer to You, show me how You are in my life, and strengthen our bond. Help me on my way; give me wisdom; and make me hungry for Your truth.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen