As we have entered the new year, the Believer has to think of prayers for 2023. It’s therefore important to remember to keep God first in our lives.

It’s my fervent prayer that you join me in praying these prayers for God’s will to be done in our lives and in the world around us.

1. Prayers for 2023 for God’s Protection

If we want a year filled with new possibilities and opportunities, we need to turn our attention to the importance of prayer for protection.

When we pray for God to protect us, we are asking for His divine help and intervention in the circumstances of our lives.

We should pray for God’s protection and guidance in our lives over the next year, as we may face a lot of unexpected situations and challenges.

Let’s look at some of the prayers we can offer up to God as we enter the new year.

a. Pray for protection from enemies

We need to protect ourselves from spiritual, physical, and emotional threats. Praying for protection from enemies will cover us from all directions. God is ever faithful and He will answer our prayers with strength and courage as we face any adversaries.

We can use the following prayers for protection against enemies for ourselves, our families, homes, businesses, possessions, and more.

  • Prayer #1: Lord God Almighty, I praise you for your love and mercy because you said in your word that you will protect us from our adversaries who arise against us in their own strength. Please help me to trust in your divine power to guard me against any enemy who seeks to swallow me up in their schemes or wickedness.
  • Prayer #2: Father God who reigns above the heavens, please let your angels of protection encircle my life so that no one may harm me, both spiritually or physically this coming year. I pray that I will be protected on every side, and wherever I go may the Holy Spirit go before me. Father, protect me even when I am unaware of the presence of evil.
  • Prayer #3: O protector of my soul! Hear my prayer today that you keep all those I love safe from 2023’s harrowing affairs which may come upon our world. Shield them, Lord, with mighty hands always like an impenetrable wall round about that no evil can penetrate, in Jesus’ name. !
  • Prayer #4: Precious Father God, give me wisdom as I bravely face whatever may come upon me and my loved ones in the year 2023, whether it be wars, battles, or personal calamities stay with us oh Lord, and make a hedge around us.
  • Prayer #5: Please protect those we care about too in the mighty name of Jesus. Let no evil befall us in any way. Just as you have protected us from harm’s way over the years past, so shall it be in 2023 too in the name of Jesus.

b. Pray for protection from harm

The Bible speaks to the importance of asking God to protect us from physical and spiritual harm. Praying for protection from harm is a perfect way to put our trust in God and invite Him into whatever challenges or struggles we might face.

It’s important to recognize that He can keep us safe, no matter what life throws at us.

It’s vital that as believers, we continuously make prayer for protection from harm a priority in our spiritual lives’ health. When we’ve submitted ourselves to His guidance and care on a regular basis, this helps strengthen our faith and reliance on Him.

This is why it’s essential to pray fervently for the Lord’s protection from harm each day. Use the following protection from harm prayers as the basis for your prayers:

  • Prayer #1: Almighty Father, I thank You for Your miraculous protection over my life. Please continue to be my comforter and help me remain safe as I journey through life, especially in 2023.
  • Prayer #2: Lord Jesus, give me strength when I need it most so that I can walk confidently before you with integrity. Shield me from any form of harm with Your loving arms so that I will not fall.
  • Prayer #3: God of all creation, thank You for watching over me each day and night; You are indeed my refuge and shelter in times of danger or distress. I am appreciative of you watching over me. Thank you, Lord!
  • Prayer #4: Divine Protector, my Father, grant me peace of mind knowing that You will always be close at hand whenever the storms of life assail me. Without you, I’m nobody. Please protect me!
  • Prayer #5: Lord Jesus, You’re the keeper of my life, and I surrender all my worries at your feet trusting that throughout this New Year Your compassions will never fail me, and I will be protected from harm always.
  • Prayer #6: Giver of all things that are righteous and good, may my faith remain unshaken since You will never abandon nor forsake those who love your Name. Father, I love you dearly and seek your divine protection from every form of harm. Thank you!
  • Prayer #7: Abba Father in Heaven above, the only God, enhance my faith so that even when trouble arises I may find solace beneath the wings of Your grace knowing you have promised nothing shall ever harm me. I trust in you totally for my protection.
  • Prayer #8: Hear O Lord as I cry out today asking of You, I plead that you grant now Your blessings whereby no evil shall come near nor threaten those whom You love. I know you love me and will never allow any bad thing to happen to me. May Your holy name be praised!
  • Prayer #9: I praise your Holy name Lord; You alone are mighty and enough to keep us safe not just through this New Year but forevermore. This, I pray in the name of Your son Jesus Christ!
  • Prayer #10: My Savior and redeemer God. I know you delight in being my protector. Fill me with your courage and let nothing cause me to fear, in the name of your son Jesus Christ I pray.

c. Pray for protection from spiritual attacks

Remember this?

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:12

Pray the following prayer:

In the mighty name of Jesus, I come before you today, seeking your strength and protection for 2023. Standing on Ephesians 6:11-18, I put on the full armor of God so that I can stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

Holy Spirit of God, help me to put on the belt of truth, so that I may have the strength to discern right from wrong. Help me put on the breastplate of righteousness, so that I may have the courage to do what is right, even when it’s difficult. Give me the ability to put on the shoes of the gospel of peace, so that I may have the strength to bring your message of love and hope to the world in 2023.

In the name of Jesus, the savior, I take up the shield of faith, so that I may be able to extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one in 2023. I take up the helmet of salvation, so that I may have the confidence and assurance of my salvation in you. And finally, I take up the sword of the Spirit, which is your word revealed to me, so that I may have the wisdom and knowledge to defend myself against the attacks of the enemy.

I pray that you would give me the strength and courage to stand firm in the face of temptation, atrocities, and harm and that you would use me as a vessel to bring your love and hope to the world in 2023.

In the holy name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Other prayer directions:

  • Pray for wisdom in putting on the full armor of God. According to Ephesians 6:14-17, this armor consists of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and trust in the Lord. Ask God for understanding about how to put on this armor each time you are at risk of being attacked spiritually. Ask Him how best to “defeat” these attacks so that they don’t weaken or overpower you.
  • Indulge in intercessory prayer, which is praying intensely and fiercely on behalf of other persons or groups of people. You can even fast if that is what is called for through your prayer time with God. I love using Psalm 35 for this.
  • Even reading encouraging Bible passages can provide insight and hope amidst the struggles one faces against spiritual warfare:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Be watchful when praying for protection from spiritual attacks, as there is much we do not see nor understand in this world of darkness and evil.

2. Prayers for Financial Provision

The Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing and to cast our cares on God. Prayers for financial provision are some of the most powerful and heartfelt prayers we can offer to God.

Let’s pray:

The only God whom I trust, I come before you today, seeking your guidance and provision for my financial needs in the coming year. I trust in your promise, and fully claim your word, that you will meet all my needs according to your riches in glory, as it says in Philippians 4:19.

I pray that you will give me wisdom, prudence, and discernment as I make financial decisions and that you would open up heavenly opportunities for me to provide for myself and my family.

I pray that you bless my work and increase my income, so that I may have the resources to take care of my responsibilities and be a blessing to others.

I also pray, Father God, that you help me to be a good steward of the resources you have given me, using them wisely and generously to further your kingdom. I pray that you give me a heart of contentment, trusting in your provision and not in my own abilities, resources or wealth.

I thank you for your faithfulness and your provision in the past, you have always been wonderful, and I trust in your promise to continue to meet my needs in the future. In Jesus’ holy name, I pray, Amen.

As believers, we must come to Him in faith, believing that He will provide for all our needs. Here are some prayer directions for the financial provision that you can use in your journey:

a. Pray for debt cancellation

Prayer can be a powerful tool to help reduce financial stress and bring you closer to financial freedom. Many times, due to our own mistakes or circumstance outside of our control, we end up in debt and can find ourselves struggling to make ends meet.

As a believer, we are not alone in dealing with financial hardship. In fact, God offers us a way out through prayer!

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”

Psalm 32:8

b. Pray for debt cancellation

When praying for debt cancellation, here are some specific topics for which we can pray:

  • Pray for renewed strength and hope in dealing with financial struggles
  • Pray for God’s faithfulness – that He will keep His promises and fulfill His greatness
  • Pray that God will bless you abundantly so that you may pay off your debts quickly
  • Pray that creditors understand your situation and show mercy by reducing or forgiving your debts
  • Pray for divine protection against those who would try to take advantage of you financially
  • Pray for opportunities to make extra income so that you may quickly reduce your debts
  • Pray that all negative judgments toward you regarding finances be turned into positive blessings

c. Pray for financial stability

Financial stability is one of the major things we need to pray for in the new year. As believers, we should continually seek our Heavenly Father’s guidance, direction, and blessings in all of our endeavors.

Pray specifically for financial stability as you create a budget that works with your lifestyle and reflects God’s purpose for you.

Ask Him to provide opportunities, avenues, and resources to sustain your current needs and plan for future events such as college tuition, child care, or an unexpected car repair.

3. Prayers for Spiritual Growth

Prayer is an essential element of any spiritual growth journey. Praying helps us to focus more deeply on our spiritual awareness, to commune with God, seek guidance, and discern spiritual truths.

For the new year, we should include prayer as a regular part of our spiritual growth plan. Here are some prayer directions we can focus on to help us grow in our spiritual journey.

a. Pray for spiritual renewal

The onset of Covid19 pandemic till now has been a difficult period for many around the world, but there is now a renewed optimism that promises so much. Now is a good time to pray for spiritual renewal and growth.

As believers, prayer is our main source of communication with God so that we can seek His wisdom and ask for strength in areas we are struggling with.

Follow the following prayer directions for your own spiritual growth this coming year.

  • Pray that God will renew your spirit, soften your heart, and give you the desire to pursue Him more than ever before (Isaiah 57:15).
  • Pray that you will have the courage to follow through on what God has placed on your heart (Deuteronomy 31:6).
  • Pray that you will move closer and closer to His perfect plan for your life (Romans 12:2)
  • Pray that Jesus will be the Lord of all areas in your life (Luke 6:46).
  • Pray that God’s Word will become alive in you; and pray it over others too (Hebrews 4:12-13).
  • Pray that every decision you make would line up with His truth (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • Ask God to help root out anger, pride, or any other sin from within yourself (James 4:1-4).
  • Pray for the obedience to serve others even when it isn’t easy or convenient (John 13:34-35).
  • Ask Him to give you unshakable faith during tough times (1 Corinthians 16:13).
  • Finally, seek renewed strength so that you may go forth confidently every day (Isaiah 40:31) Pray for spiritual maturity

b. Pray for spiritual maturity

Praying for spiritual maturity is an important part of our Christian lives. When we pray for ourselves or others to grow spiritually, we are asking God to work in us and other believers to mature in godly character and understanding.

This is something that must be done consistently with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

The Bible warns us about continuing in sin and not growing in spiritual maturity (Hebrews 5:11-14).

We need to constantly seek God in prayer to help us resist temptation, follow His will, live a holy life, and increase our knowledge of Him. As we continue on this journey of faith, here are ways we can pray for more spiritual maturity:

  • Pray that our desire to align ourselves with God’s Word would consistently deepen (Isaiah 28:9-13).
  • Pray that your commitment to serving Him through living out His commands would remain strong (Deuteronomy 11:22-25).
  • Pray that you would grow in ministry opportunities as led by the Spirit (Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-10).
  • Pray for increasing humility towards others so that Christ’s love is seen more clearly (Philippians 2:5-11).
  • Pray for greater faithfulness through diligent study and application of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16; James 1:22-27).
  • Pray for increased discernment through obedience rather than becoming misled by false teaching (Colossians 2:8; Heb 13:9).
  • Pray that you learn from your trials rather than being held back by them (James 1:2-5; Romans 5:3–5). 8. Pray for a stronger level of trust in your Heavenly Father by praying continually throughout each day asking Him for help during seasons of temptation or struggle (Luke 18:1; Philippians 4:6-7).
  • Prayerfully watch over Scripture so it changes you from the inside out rather than just taking on surface knowledge (2 Timothy 3:16; Romans 12 – 16).

Praying for spiritual insight is an incredible way to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and minds.

Jesus said “And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures”

In Luke 24:45

This is a powerful reminder to us that we can always turn to God for insight into the Word of God. When we are in His presence and time is taken in prayer, we can access the clarity of His heart and mind and grow spiritually.

Look to Colossians 1:9-10 which reads:

For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; 10 that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”

Praying for spiritual insight allows us to rely on God’s wisdom as He reveals it to us so that our lives may be used to His glory always. Asking Him for help brings about higher depths of understanding as He helps us gain perspective on our circumstances so as to think biblically.

We can start by praying something like this:

“Dear Lord, Help me grow spiritually so I can understand your will more clearly. Open up my eyes so I can see opportunities around me that need your grace and light. Grant me insight into my own heart so I can discern between truth and lies more accurately. Guide me with your wisdom and show me what pleases You that I may honor You more faithfully.”


4. Prayers for Family and Friends

Praying for our family and friends is an important part of being a Christian. We must pray for our loved ones, that they may be blessed in all their endeavors and that God’s presence in their lives will bring them closer to Him.

a. Pray for family unity

Encouraging family unity is an important activity for believers. Scripture tells us to “Love one another with brotherly affection” (Romans 12:10) and that “love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).

Praying for family unity can foster spiritual growth and help keep relationships close.

When you pray for family unity, remember to ask God to strengthen the bonds between everyone in your household, including you. Ask Him to bring peace into your home, work out conflicts that arise, and provide guidance as your family navigates relationships and difficult situations together.

Let go of control and place all family matters into the Lord’s hands so He can take care of them.

Thank God for His protection and love in the midst of any hardships or misunderstandings that may arise within the home.

You can also pray for your extended family, which includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., by asking God to bring them closer together, especially during times of separation or difficulty.

Ask Him to show them His love in unique ways and work through all communication between family members so that each person feels heard and appreciated.

Pray that all disputes are resolved soon with grace and mercy towards one another in mind.

Finally, thank God for bringing you together as a collective group, to enjoy time with one another despite any differences or struggles you may go through as a unit.

May your prayers be answered soon!

b. Pray for friends to be blessed

Prayer is an important part of a believer’s life, and as this new year begins, make sure to include your family, friends, and those you know in your prayers. Pray for them to have strength and joy during this difficult time, and for them to experience the many blessings that God provides us with. Pray that God would give friends a new beginning in their relationships with those they love.

As believers united in prayer, let us bring our requests before Him. We can ask God for:

  • Guidance and discernment for our friends to make wise decisions
  • Protection from negative influences
  • Provisions of all kinds – material, spiritual, physical, or psychological
  • The daily fruit of the Holy Spirit in every aspect of their lives – love, joy peace, etc.
  • Spiritual growth through knowledge and faithfulness
  • Courage to face challenges despite fears
  • Prosperity according to His will
  • Clarity on priorities or goals in life
  • Abundant peace for those who are going through stressful times

By lifting each other up in prayer now and throughout 2021, we will be blessed personally as well as see God’s glory exalted among us collectively!

c. Pray for children to be blessed

The Bible often speaks of the blessing of God’s presence on children and many parents pray for the welfare, protection, and joy of their children.

Pray that all our children will continually experience the blessings of God in all aspects of their lives.

May they be blessed in their health, finances, relationships, education, and every other part of their life. As they grow into adults and face new challenges, may they cling to God’s Word and allow His truth to direct all their decisions.

We also pray for spiritual leaders to come alongside them as mentors and friends who can help develop godly character in every aspect of their lives.

Furthermore, we ask God to use each child as an example of Jesus’ love for those whose paths they cross during everyday life. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

5. Prayers for the Church

Prayers for the Church should be a priority for all believers in Christ as we look forward to the new year. In 2023, much of what will take place in and around our lives, our churches, and our nations depends on how we pray now. We should be fervent in our prayers and fully trust that God will answer them according to His perfect will.

a. Pray for revival in the church

The church is in desperate need of revival. What once was full of life and vitality now can be characterized as lethargic, unproductive, and unmotivated to serve.

We are called by God to not just be hearers of the word but doers of the word.

James 1:22-25

Scripture calls us to pray for one another that revival may come across the body.

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?”

2 Corinthians 13:5
  • Let us pray for revival in our churches so that those who have strayed from their faith may return and be renewed.
  • Let us also pray for open doors for evangelism in our communities so that we may impact and influence others with the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ in our lives.

May these prayers help bring us closer to God through continual study and fellowship with other believers.

b. Pray for the church to be a light in the darkness

The Church is on the frontlines of the spiritual battle, and there remain many forces of darkness arrayed against it.

  • Pray for God’s protection over His church, and that it might be a witness to bringing His good news around the world.
  • Pray for courage for the Church to uphold its beliefs despite the temptations to compromise with culture or human limitations posed by sin.
  • Further, ask God for believers in the Church to be examples of holiness, dedication, and transformation.
  • Ask Him to equip them with wisdom on how to stay true to their faith even when facing diversity in thought and opinion.
  • Pray that they might also have a spirit of discernment whenever they must decide between truth and lies, light or darkness.
  • Pray that God raises up leaders who can shepherd any body of believers towards maturity in their faith while empowering them spiritually.
  • And lastly, pray that the Church may be bold in proclaiming Jesus’s name not only in words but also through actions like charitable giving and compassion towards those who are hurting.

May we all strive fervently for true unity within His body!

c. Pray for the church to be a beacon of hope

In this season, it’s especially important to lift up our local churches and their leaders in prayer. Let’s make an effort to see the church in our local community and beyond being a beacon of hope.

Let’s also remember that physical structures are not what make the church – we as believers make up the body of Christ and we’re responsible for its witness wherever we go.

Prayer is such a powerful weapon, so let’s take these next few moments to bring these important requests before God:

  • Pray that as we have entered into a new year, God will stir in each Christian heart excitement and anticipation for what He has planned.
  • Ask God to provide wisdom and courage for pastors, elders, deacons, youth pastors, and other ministry leaders leading churches locally and around the world.
  • Pray that churches would reflect the love of Jesus through genuine hospitality towards visitors or those searching for truth.
  • Ask God to increase the unity among members of different denominations or Christian backgrounds within a church body
  • Pray for protection over all places of worship from violence or extremist groups who seek to divide or disrupt them.
  • Ask God that as churches share His Word with others, trust would be established between them as beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Pray that individuals attending church would be open to hearing the Truth no matter their beliefs; He is Lord over all things – ask Him to open their hearts to the Gospel message!
  • Invoke the power of prayer over missionaries—that they may have doctors available when needed; safety while traveling; opportunities in dire times; strength & courage even while struggling financially…etc!
  • Intercede on behalf of those who have been hurt by some form of Church abuse so they can receive closure and healing (physically; emotionally).
  • Lastly, pray that resources available both financially and initiative-wise would be conducive towards furthering & equipping kingdom advancement!


It is clear that there are many prayers that believers can pray in order to be alert for the new year of 2023.

From prayers for provision and strength to protection and guidance, there is a wide range of needs that we can bring before God as we seek to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Beloved, no matter what the future may hold, we can find comfort in knowing that we serve a faithful and loving God who is always ready to hear our prayers and to provide for our needs.

So let us approach the new year with confidence, trusting in the power of prayer to help us navigate whatever lies ahead.

Be blessed!