It is simple to forget the value of developing a grateful heart in a world that is busy, distracted, and full of difficulties. But as Christians, we are obligated to always express gratitude to God and those in our lives. Beloved, be thankful always!

Paul, the apostle, reaffirms this command in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV):

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 

Let’s explore the meaning of being grateful all the time and see how it might alter our viewpoint and improve our interactions with people and God.

Reflection on “be thankful always” 

Being grateful is a constant state of mind and not only a reaction to fortunate events. Recognizing God’s goodness and constancy in every circumstance is a choice. It is a sign of faith in His omnipotence and the knowledge that everything happens for the best. 

Being grateful to our fellow humans, especially those around us, also promotes love, harmony, and gratitude for the society that God has given us.

Being thankful always involves expressing gratitude not only to God but also to our fellow human beings. Let us explore why we should be grateful to God and man, and the blessings they bring into our lives.

Being thankful to God

  • Salvation and Redemption: Through the gift of salvation, we thank God for His supreme act of love and grace. He offered us forgiveness and eternal life by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to make peace with one another. We are appreciative of His undeserved favor and the chance to witness His changing power.
  • Provision and Sustenance: God is the source of all good things, so we should be thankful for His provision in our life. Provision and sustenance. He fulfills our physical requirements, provides for our daily dietary needs, and richly blesses us. A grateful heart is cultivated by realizing how dependable God is in providing our needs and benefits.
  • Guidance and Wisdom: God provides us with direction and insight as we travel through life. He provides guidance by way of His Word, the Holy Spirit, and wise counsel. We can be grateful for His direction, which enables us to travel in accordance with His ideal will, make sensible decisions, and avoid traps.

Thankful to man

  • Relationships and Support: Other people have a big impact on our life. We ought to be grateful for the connections God has given us to our friends, family, mentors, and local community. They enhance our lives and spiritual journeys by offering assistance, inspiration, and camaraderie.
  • Acts of Kindness: We frequently receive acts of benevolence, compassion, and kindness from others. These manifestations of love and care, whether it’s a kind word, a helping hand, or a selfless deed, merit our gratitude. Being appreciative of other people’s compassion develops humility and promotes closer relationships.
  • Spiritual Community: The Church, the body of Christ, provides a spiritual home where we can find support and encouragement in our faith. We can be thankful for the companionship, accountability, and spiritual development that come from belonging to a group of believers. Our relationship with God is strengthened by the mutual sharing of burdens, prayers, and edifying.

Prayer Points

  • Gratitude to God: Pray for a heart that understands and values all the blessings God gives us every day. Ask Him to help you see His faithfulness, provision, and direction in both the important and insignificant aspects of life.
  • Thankfulness in Trials: Ask for the ability to be grateful despite difficulties in your prayers. Ask God to enable you to look past the challenges and find the courage and hope in His unwavering love and the teachings He imparts to you through suffering.
  • Appreciation for Others: Ask God to help you feel thankful for the individuals He has placed in your life. Ask Him to guide you in appreciating their contributions and developing a heart that feels love and appreciation for them.

Devotional Prayer for Today

My Father,

I come before You today with a heart full of gratitude. Thank You for the breath of life, for Your love that never fails, and for the countless blessings You pour upon me each day.

Help me to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness in all circumstances, knowing that Your plans for me are good. Teach me to trust You even when things are difficult, and to find joy in Your presence. 

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.