Wait on the Lord? Why would anyone do such in a world where we want to achieve success at all costs?
Many feel pressured to achieve, succeed, and control everything. Due to this, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of life and we forget to pause and wait on the Lord. But in doing so, we miss out on the blessings of God’s timing and peace.
Waiting on the Lord is a sign of faith and trust in Him. It’s about acknowledging our limitations and dependence on God, and it’s about allowing Him to lead us in His perfect timing.
When we wait on the Lord, we open ourselves up to His guidance, strength, and blessings.
Key Takeaway to Wait on the Lord
- Wait on the Lord: With that, we position ourselves to receive His best for our lives. We learn to trust Him, be patient, and let go of our agendas. We also open ourselves to the possibility of miracles in our lives that we could never do on our own.
Anchor Bible Verse of the Day – Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Our anchor verse of Isaiah 40:31 describes the renewal of strength that comes from waiting on the Lord.
It’s like a bird taking flight, soaring above the challenges and difficulties that bombard our lives.
Key Explanations
- Those who wait on the Lord: Refers to those who trust in God, who rely on Him for strength and guidance.
- Shall renew their strength: This means that God will restore our strength, both physically and spiritually.
- They shall mount up with wings like eagles: This means that we will be able to overcome challenges and rise above our circumstances.
- They shall run and not be weary: This means that we will have the energy and motivation to pursue our goals and dreams.
- They shall walk and not faint: This is a promise that assures us that we will not give up, even in the face of adversity.
Reflection on Wait on the Lord
Have you ever felt impatient with God? Have you ever wondered why He seems to delay His answers to your prayers? Have you ever felt frustrated by His apparent silence or inaction?
If you have, you are not alone. Many people in the Bible experienced similar feelings of impatience, frustration, and even despair when they faced difficult situations and waited for God’s intervention.
But they also learned a valuable lesson: to wait on the Lord.

(Isaiah 40:31)
Currently, many people are experiencing the same.
See, waiting on the Lord is not easy. It requires faith, trust, patience, and perseverance. It means surrendering our plans and expectations to His will and timing. It means accepting His ways and thoughts, which are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9).
It means resting in His promises and power, even when we don’t see any evidence of His work. It means relying on His grace and strength, even when we feel weak and weary.
But waiting on the Lord is also rewarding:
- It brings us closer to Him and helps us grow in our relationship with Him.
- It teaches us to depend on Him and not on ourselves or others.
- It reveals His character and attributes, such as His love, faithfulness, wisdom, and sovereignty.
- It prepares us for His purposes and plans, which are always good and perfect (Romans 8:28).
- It renews our hope and joy, as we anticipate His deliverance and blessing.
If you have a look at our Bible verse for today’s devotional, it’s part of a larger passage that describes God’s greatness and majesty and how the people of God should be comforted.
In contrast, we are weak, frail, finite, and ignorant. We often grow tired, weary, faint, and discouraged.
We face many challenges, trials, troubles, and temptations in this life. We struggle with sin, doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, and despair.
Beloved, in all of this, God does not leave us alone in our weakness and weariness. He invites us to wait on Him, to trust in Him, to hope in Him.
He promises to renew our strength, to give us power, energy, vitality, and resilience. He promises to enable us to soar above our circumstances like eagles, to run without getting tired like athletes, to walk without collapsing like pilgrims.
He promises to be with us, to help us, to support us, and to deliver us.
Psalm 27:14 says:
Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!
This verse was written by David, who knew what it meant to wait on the Lord.
- He waited for many years before he became king of Israel.
- He waited for many years before he saw his enemies defeated.
- He waited for many years before he experienced God’s forgiveness and restoration.
- He faced many dangers, difficulties, and distress along the way.
But he also experienced God’s presence, protection, and provision. He learned to trust in God’s goodness, faithfulness, and sovereignty. He learned to wait on the Lord with courage.
NOTE: Waiting on the Lord does not mean sitting idly by and doing nothing until He shows up. It does not mean to give up on our dreams and desires and just accept whatever happens. It does not mean to lose hope and faith in His promises and power.
Call to Action
Wait on the Lord: Today, intentionally practice waiting on the Lord in your thoughts, decisions, and actions. Allow it to permeate your day, cultivating patience and trust in God’s perfect timing. Amidst the rush, find moments to pause and consciously reflect on waiting on the Lord.
Prayer Points for Today
- Bold Trust: Pray for a bold trust in God’s timing, recognizing that waiting is an active expression of faith.
- Renewed Strength: Ask for a fresh infusion of strength to soar above life’s challenges as you wait on the Lord.
- Divine Guidance: Seek God’s guidance in the waiting, so that your steps may align with His perfect plan.
Let’s Pray
Our Father, grant us the grace to wait on You with patient expectation. May our waiting be a testament to our trust in Your unfailing love and perfect timing.
In Jesus’ precious and mighty name, we pray. amen.
My prayer for you today: I pray that as you wait on the Lord, your strength is renewed, and you find peace in His perfect timing.