Today, we are having a look at overcoming the schemes of Satan and how to navigate them with biblical guidance and practical strategies. Through this daily devotional, it’s my prayer that we explore the strategies and tools that we can use to navigate and overcome Satan’s schemes.

» Wednesday, 18th January 2023 | I Stand In The Gap Daily Devotional | Navigating and Overcoming the Schemes of Satan

Yesterday’s daily devotional theme was “Joy Comes in the Morning“ and today’s is about overcoming the schemes of Satan.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

1 Peter 5:8

Today’s daily devotional anchor verse is a reminder that Satan is our adversary and is always looking for ways to deceive and harm us.

Therefore, to overcome the schemes of Satan as Believers, it’s crucial for us to be aware of his tactics and schemes so that we can resist his devilish plans and overcome his influence in our lives.


  • Satan is an adversary who is always on the lookout for ways to deceive and harm us. It serves as a reminder of the reality of evil and the role of Satan in it.
  • Vigilance and Sobriety, meaning we have to be self-controlled and keep watch so that we can recognize and resist his schemes.
  • Recognizing Satan’s tactics, and not being naive to his cunning and deceitful ways.
  • The power of Satan is limited, due to the use of the metaphor of a roaring lion, which also reminds us that Satan’s power is limited and that we can overcome it with the help of God.
  • The importance of faith, by being vigilant and sober-minded, we can resist his temptations and overcome his influence in our lives.

Background to our verse of overcoming the schemes of Satan:

Our reference book of 1 Peter, is a letter written by the apostle Peter to the believers living in Asia Minor to encourage and instruct them on how to live as Christians in a hostile and difficult environment. In our anchor verse, Peter is warning them about the devil’s scheming ways, using the metaphor of a roaring lion. Yes beloved, by overcoming the schemes of Satan, the Christian needs such warning.

The metaphor of the lion is meant to convey the danger and threat that Satan poses to those who are not aware of his cunning ways.

In a nutshel the Believers were being urged to be humble, self-controlled, and watchful in their conduct so to resist the devil’s temptations and schemes.

Similar Verse:

“Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

2 Corinthians 2:11

It reminds us that Satan will try to take advantage of us if we are not aware of his schemes and tactics, and to be aware of his devices and strategies, so that we are not caught off guard and can resist his temptations.

It also implies that being knowledgeable and aware of Satan’s schemes is an important step in overcoming his influence in our lives. Just like our anchor verse, it also emphasizes the importance of being prepared and equipped with the right knowledge to overcome Satan’s schemes.

Reflection to overcoming the schemes of Satan:

Our anchor verse can be applied in a number of ways:

  • Recognizing Satan’s schemes: He is cunning and we should be alert always.
  • Being self-controlled and watchful, by being mindful of our emotions, thoughts, and actions and making sure that they are aligned with God’s will.
  • By putting on the armor of God, we can be protected and equipped to overcome his plans (Ephesians 6:10-18).
  • Relying on God’s protection and guidance, since he is a defeated foe, he won’t go down easily and alone. He wants you, so rely on God.
  • Building resilience through faith, by relying on God’s promises and strength, and trusting in His protection and guidance, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord,

As we start this day, we come to you with hearts full of trust and hope. We know that Satan is always scheming and looking for ways to deceive and harm us, but we put our trust in you.

We thank you for the reminder in 1 Peter 5:8 to “be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Help us to be self-controlled and watchful, so that we can recognize and resist Satan’s schemes.

We pray for wisdom and discernment as we navigate through the challenges of this day, and that we will be aware of Satan’s schemes and tactics, so that we can resist his temptations and overcome his influence in our lives.

We ask that you would be with us in all things, and that we would have the joy and peace that comes from knowing that you are in control. Give us the strength to resist Satan’s schemes and to rely on your protection and guidance. We give you all the glory and praise, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.