Anxiety can be a condition that can make you very weak and infirm. Its grip causes fear and worries that take hold of our thoughts and emotions.

However, as believers, we have the ability to overcome these anxiety grips through our faith and trust in God. In this daily devotional, I would want us to explore the theme of “overcoming anxiety by trusting in God”. Let’s get started!

» Friday, 3rd February 2023 | I Stand In The Gap Daily Devotional | Overcoming Anxiety by Trusting in God

The daily devotional theme for yesterday was “it’s great to have a deep love for God“ and today’s is “overcoming anxiety by trusting in God”.

Anchor verse of the day:

6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:6-7

This anchor verse of the day is an encouragement to believers to cast all their anxieties, concerns, and worries onto God. In doing so, we are to trust that He will take care of them.

Note that the word “casting” in our verse of the day, 1 Peter 5:6-7, means to let go of something or to throw it away. By doing that, it means we are releasing all our worries to God.

The verse is stressing the fact that God will truthfully care for us and is always present to help us through our struggles.

This is a reminder that we trust in God’s loving and caring inherent nature, and give our anxieties to Him so that we can find peace and true rest in Him.

Themes in 1 Peter 5:6-7

  • Trusting in God: The verse exhorts Christians to put their faith in God rather than worry about the difficulties they may face in life.
  • Overcoming anxiety: Getting rid of anxiety: The verse gives us advice on how to get rid of worry by casting our worries upon God.
  • Peace: Trusting in God and releasing our worries to him allows us to experience serenity.
  • Humility: The text exhorts us to approach God with humility, acknowledging that He is in charge and that we can put our trust in His plan for our life.
  • Protection: Despite the difficulties and trials of life, God promises to offer protection and care for those who put their trust in Him.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a state in which one feels worried, at times apprehensive, or uneasy about a situation, the conclusion which is uncertain.

Anxiety, although a common and usually positive emotion, when it persists, can cause problems in daily life.

Excessive and ongoing worry, frequently regarding routine actions and events, is a symptom of anxiety disorders. Physical manifestations like a pounding heart or perspiration may go along with these feelings.

Examples of anxieties we face as believers:

  • Concerns with money and the economy, including poverty
  • The unpredictability of the future
  • Concerns about one’s employment or career
  • Concerns for physical and mental health
  • Issues with the family, children, and relationships
  • Social phobia and concern about other people’s opinions
  • Concern over losing a loved one
  • Concern for one’s own spiritual path and faith
  • Concerns about current events worldwide
  • Worries regarding one’s own protection and safety
  • Anxiety about life decisions and making the proper ones, and many more

Background to 1 Peter 5:6-7 and overcoming anxiety by trusting in God

The context of 1 Peter 5:6-7 can be traced back to the early Christian community’s experience with suffering and persecution.

The apostle Peter wrote the book of 1 Peter to uplift and advise these first-generation Christians on how to endure adversity and lead a good life as believers.

Casting all of your worries on God, for he cares for you, is specially mentioned in the text as a reminder to believe in God’s love and care even in the middle of their challenges.

Similar verses

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

This verse exhorts the reader to lay their troubles onto God in prayer and gratitude rather than letting their worries consume them. This will give the believer the peace of God that is beyond all comprehension and will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Isaiah 41:10

Those who are worried or concerned will find comfort and certainty in this particular verse.

The Lord assures you that He will be near you and will extend His virtuous right hand to give you courage, assistance, and support. This verse’s encouraging message serves as a gentle reminder that you do not have to face your worries or fears alone.

Prayer to overcome anxiety by trusting in God

Our beloved Father,

We turn to you now with heavy hearts, feeling weighed down by the concerns and apprehensions that we carry. We are aware of your love for us and your assurance that you will divinely fulfill all of our needs.

Despite our anxieties, please help us to have faith in you. For us to be able to conquer our fears and find rest in you, fill us with your serenity and tranquility.

We pray that you will increase our faith and give us the fortitude to face each day with the assurance that you are always there for us and that you won’t ever abandon us.

Give us the discernment, Father, to put our anxieties in your hands and to have faith in your plans for our lives. We ask that even in the midst of our struggles, your love would overflow in us and we would feel your joy.

Lord, we adore you and put our faith in you. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray.
