Welcome to healing of spiritual brokenness. See, our spirits can easily become fractured and overburdened in a world that is rife with suffering, commotion, and disorder. The good news is that our God is actively engaged in repairing, curing, and redeeming our spirits.

It is vital that we never lose sight of the fact that God will always be able to restore our brokenness and make us whole as we move through the various seasons of uncertainty.

Come with me and let us explore what it means to experience spiritual brokenness, and how you can receive divine healing and restoration from God.

» Tuesday, 21st February 2023 | I Stand In The Gap Daily Devotional | Healing of Spiritual Brokenness.

Yesterday’s daily devotional was on “A Believer? You Can Count on God” and today’s is “Healing of Spiritual Brokenness.”

What is spiritual brokenness?

Being injured, troubled, or plagued by guilt, shame, or sin on a spiritual level is referred to as being spiritually broken. A person who has it feels estranged from God, other people, and even themselves.

Personal failure, loss, tragedy, or sin are just a few examples of situations that can break a person’s spirit. It may show itself as a feeling of helplessness, anxiety, or depression.

Spiritual brokenness is viewed in the Christian tradition as a call to turn to God for relief, pardon, and healing. It acknowledges our dependence on God’s mercy and grace in our daily lives.

Anchor verse of the day

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Psalm 34:18 (NKJV)

Psalm 34:18 reminds us that God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in the spirit. It gives meaning to what it means to experience spiritual brokenness, and how one can receive healing and divine restoration from God.

Themes in Psalm 34:18

There are two main themes in the anchor verse of the day:

  • The Lord’s compassion for the brokenhearted: God cares deeply for His people and seeks to comfort and heal them in their time of need.
  • The power of confession and repentance: The text emphasizes the importance of confessing one’s sin and brokenness to the Lord in order to receive God’s grace and healing.

Background to Psalm 34:18 and healing of spiritual brokenness

David is credited with writing Psalm 34, which expresses gratitude for being delivered from adversaries. The context of Psalm 34:18 certainly reflects David’s own experience of feeling heartbroken and in need of God’s mending.

David had a turbulent life through numerous hardships, including persecution, betrayal, and even assassination attempts.

David expresses his gratitude to God in this psalm for freeing him from his problems and exhorts others to do the same. God promises in Psalm 34:18 that he will save those who are crushed in spirit and brokenhearted, emphasizing his concern for them.

Similar Bible verses

For thus says the High and Lofty One, Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Isaiah 57:15 (NKJV)

This scripture describes God’s closeness to those who are contrite and humble in spirit. It promotes the idea that individuals who acknowledge their need for God and seek him out will find him to be close to them rather than distant or aloof. Similar to how God heals the brokenhearted in Psalm 34:18, God is said to “revive” the spirit and heart of the contrite.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

Isaiah 61:1 (NKJV)

This line foretells the arrival of the Messiah (which Jesus quoted in Luke 4:18-19, saying that it was fulfilled in him). It refers to the Messiah’s work of comforting the grieving, which, like Psalm 34:18, is a similar theme. The concept of announcing the release to those who are held hostage and opening the jail to the enslaved also alludes to a type of spiritual healing and freedom that God offers.

Reflection on the healing of spiritual brokenness

The daily devotional’s title, “Healing of Spiritual Brokenness,” emphasizes that its main goal is to heal a believer’s spirit and mind. According to Psalm 34:18 of the Bible, the Lord saves those who are crushed in spirit and is near to the brokenhearted. Those who are battling with emotional and spiritual brokenness can find hope in this verse.

One must first recognize their spiritual brokenness and turn to God for restoration in order to live as a believer and receive spiritual healing. This may entail asking for assistance from others, such as dependable friends, pastors, or counselors. To gain consolation, direction, and guidance, one must also make it a practice to spend time in prayer and meditation on God’s word.

Making adjustments to one’s thought and behavior patterns is necessary to live a life that reflects the healing of spiritual brokenness. This entails working on forgiving others, letting go of resentment and rage, and emphasizing thankfulness and optimism. It also entails accepting vulnerability and being prepared to ask for assistance when necessary.

In the end, the road of mending spiritual damage requires time, patience, and faith. A Christian can achieve healing and wholeness in their spirit, mind, and emotions via the power of the Holy Spirit. Believers can experience the totality of healing and transformation that God intends for them by leading a life that is devoted to God and centered on His love, grace, and truth.

Let me pray for you for the healing of spiritual brokenness

Our Beloved Father,

On behalf of those who are spiritually broken, I come to you, and I ask that You use your healing abilities to change their hearts and minds. Father, encourage them to accept their brokenness and seek your restoration.

Lord, You are the great healer, and I am confident that You can treat all wounds. I ask that You renew their confidence in You and give them the fortitude to get through the difficulties they are currently experiencing.

Father, encourage them to take solace in your presence and put their faith in your word.

I beseech you, Lord, to lead them in the way of righteousness so that they may find comfort and hope in You. Please, give them the strength to keep going and the insight to see that you are always there for them.

Lord, I praise you for your unwavering love and kindness. I ask that You keep working in the lives of people who are hurting and in need of your healing touch.

I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, who is, and was, and is to come.
